Module Index
- class bayesreg.BLR(**kwargs)[source]
Bayesian linear regression
Estimation and prediction of Bayesian linear regression models
Basic usage:
B = BLR() hyp = B.estimate(hyp0, X, y) ys,s2 = B.predict(hyp, X, y, Xs)
where the variables are
- Parameters:
hyp – vector of hyperparmaters.
X – N x D data array
y – 1D Array of targets (length N)
Xs – Nte x D array of test cases
hyp0 – starting estimates for hyperparameter optimisation
- Returns:
ys - predictive mean
s2 - predictive variance
The hyperparameters are:
hyp = ( log(beta), log(alpha) ) # hyp is a list or numpy array
The implementation and notation mostly follows Bishop (2006). The hyperparameter beta is the noise precision and alpha is the precision over lengthscale parameters. This can be either a scalar variable (a common lengthscale for all input variables), or a vector of length D (a different lengthscale for each input variable, derived using an automatic relevance determination formulation). These are estimated using conjugate gradient optimisation of the marginal likelihood.
Reference: Bishop (2006) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer
Written by A. Marquand
- estimate(hyp0, X, y, **kwargs)[source]
Function to estimate the model
- Parameters:
hyp – hyperparameter vector
X – covariates
y – responses
optimizer – optimisation algorithm (‘cg’,’powell’,’nelder-mead’,’l0bfgs-b’)
- penalized_loglik(hyp, X, y, Xv=None, l=0.1, norm='L1')[source]
Function to compute the penalized log (marginal) likelihood
- Parameters:
hyp – hyperparameter vector
X – covariates
y – responses
Xv – covariates for heteroskedastic noise
l – regularisation penalty
norm – type of regulariser (L1 or L2)
- post(hyp, X, y, Xv=None)[source]
Generic function to compute posterior distribution.
This function will save the posterior mean and precision matrix as self.m and self.A and will also update internal parameters (e.g. N, D and the prior covariance (Sigma_a) and precision (Lambda_a).
- Parameters:
hyp – hyperparameter vector
X – covariates
y – responses
Xv – covariates for heteroskedastic noise
- predict(hyp, X, y, Xs, var_groups_test=None, var_covariates_test=None, **kwargs)[source]
Function to make predictions from the model
- Parameters:
hyp – hyperparameter vector
X – covariates for training data
y – responses for training data
Xs – covariates for test data
var_covariates_test – test covariates for heteroskedastic noise
This always returns Gaussian predictions, i.e.
- Returns:
ys - predictive mean
s2 - predictive variance
- predict_and_adjust(hyp, X, y, Xs=None, ys=None, var_groups_test=None, var_groups_adapt=None, **kwargs)[source]
Function to transfer the model to a new site. This is done by first making predictions on the adaptation data given by X, adjusting by the residuals with respect to y.
- Parameters:
hyp – hyperparameter vector
X – covariates for adaptation (i.e. calibration) data
y – responses for adaptation data
Xs – covariate data (for which predictions should be adjusted)
ys – true response variables (to be adjusted)
var_groups_test – variance groups (e.g. sites) for test data
var_groups_adapt – variance groups for adaptation data
There are two possible ways of using this function, depending on whether ys or Xs is specified
If ys is specified, this is applied directly to the data, which is assumed to be in the input space (i.e. not warped). In this case the adjusted true data points are returned in the same space
Alternatively, Xs is specified, then the predictions are made and adjusted. In this case the predictive variance are returned in the warped (i.e. Gaussian) space.
This function needs to know which sites are associated with which data points, which provided by var_groups_xxx, which is a list or array of scalar ids .
- class gp.CovBase(x=None)[source]
Base class for covariance functions.
All covariance functions must define the following methods:
CovFunction.get_n_params() CovFunction.cov() CovFunction.xcov() CovFunction.dcov()
- abstract cov(theta, x, z=None)[source]
Return the full covariance (or cross-covariance if z is given)
- class gp.CovLin(x=None)[source]
Linear covariance function (no hyperparameters)
- dcov(theta, x, i)[source]
Return the derivative of the covariance function with respect to the i-th hyperparameter
- get_n_params()
Report the number of parameters required
- class gp.CovSqExp(x=None)[source]
Ordinary squared exponential covariance function. The hyperparameters are:
theta = ( log(ell), log(sf) )
where ell is a lengthscale parameter and sf2 is the signal variance
- dcov(theta, x, i)[source]
Return the derivative of the covariance function with respect to the i-th hyperparameter
- get_n_params()
Report the number of parameters required
- class gp.CovSqExpARD(x=None)[source]
Squared exponential covariance function with ARD The hyperparameters are:
theta = (log(ell_1, ..., log_ell_D), log(sf))
where ell_i are lengthscale parameters and sf2 is the signal variance
- dcov(theta, x, i)[source]
Return the derivative of the covariance function with respect to the i-th hyperparameter
- get_n_params()
Report the number of parameters required
- class gp.CovSum(x=None, covfuncnames=None)[source]
Sum of covariance functions. These are passed in as a cell array and intialised automatically. For example:
C = CovSum(x,(CovLin, CovSqExpARD)) C = CovSum.cov(x, )
The hyperparameters are:
theta = ( log(ell_1, ..., log_ell_D), log(sf2) )
where ell_i are lengthscale parameters and sf2 is the signal variance
- dcov(theta, x, i)[source]
Return the derivative of the covariance function with respect to the i-th hyperparameter
- get_n_params()
Report the number of parameters required
- class gp.GPR(hyp=None, covfunc=None, X=None, y=None, n_iter=100, tol=0.001, verbose=False, warp=None)[source]
Gaussian process regression
Estimation and prediction of Gaussian process regression models
Basic usage:
G = GPR() hyp = B.estimate(hyp0, cov, X, y) ys, ys2 = B.predict(hyp, cov, X, y, Xs)
where the variables are
- Parameters:
hyp – vector of hyperparmaters
cov – covariance function
X – N x D data array
y – 1D Array of targets (length N)
Xs – Nte x D array of test cases
hyp0 – starting estimates for hyperparameter optimisation
- Returns:
ys - predictive mean
ys2 - predictive variance
The hyperparameters are:
hyp = ( log(sn), (cov function params) ) # hyp is a list or array
The implementation and notation follows Rasmussen and Williams (2006). As in the gpml toolbox, these parameters are estimated using conjugate gradient optimisation of the marginal likelihood. Note that there is no explicit mean function, thus the gpr routines are limited to modelling zero-mean processes.
Reference: C. Rasmussen and C. Williams (2006) Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Written by A. Marquand
- normative.estimate(covfile, respfile, **kwargs)[source]
Estimate a normative model
This will estimate a model in one of two settings according to theparticular parameters specified (see below)
under k-fold cross-validation. requires respfile, covfile and cvfolds>=2
estimating a training dataset then applying to a second test dataset. requires respfile, covfile, testcov and testresp.
estimating on a training dataset ouput of forward maps mean and se. requires respfile, covfile and testcov
The models are estimated on the basis of data stored on disk in ascii or neuroimaging data formats (nifti or cifti). Ascii data should be in tab or space delimited format with the number of subjects in rows and the number of variables in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped into the appropriate format
Basic usage:
estimate(covfile, respfile, [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below. Note that either the cfolds parameter or (testcov, testresp) should be specified, but not both.
- Parameters:
respfile – response variables for the normative model
covfile – covariates used to predict the response variable
maskfile – mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
cvfolds – Number of cross-validation folds
testcov – Test covariates
testresp – Test responses
alg – Algorithm for normative model
configparam – Parameters controlling the estimation algorithm
saveoutput – Save the output to disk? Otherwise returned as arrays
outputsuffix – Text string to add to the output filenames
inscaler – Scaling approach for input covariates, could be ‘None’ (Default), ‘standardize’, ‘minmax’, or ‘robminmax’.
outscaler – Scaling approach for output responses, could be ‘None’ (Default), ‘standardize’, ‘minmax’, or ‘robminmax’.
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
- Outputs:
yhat - predictive mean
ys2 - predictive variance
nm - normative model
Z - deviance scores
Rho - Pearson correlation between true and predicted responses
pRho - parametric p-value for this correlation
rmse - root mean squared error between true/predicted responses
smse - standardised mean squared error
The outputsuffix may be useful to estimate multiple normative models in the same directory (e.g. for custom cross-validation schemes)
- normative.evaluate(Y, Yhat, S2=None, mY=None, sY=None, nlZ=None, nm=None, Xz_tr=None, alg=None, metrics=['Rho', 'RMSE', 'SMSE', 'EXPV', 'MSLL'])[source]
Compute error metrics This function will compute error metrics based on a set of predictions Yhat and a set of true response variables Y, namely:
Rho: Pearson correlation
RMSE: root mean squared error
SMSE: standardized mean squared error
EXPV: explained variance
If the predictive variance is also specified the log loss will be computed (which also takes into account the predictive variance). If the mean and standard deviation are also specified these will be used to standardize this, yielding the mean standardized log loss
- Parameters:
Y – N x P array of true response variables
Yhat – N x P array of predicted response variables
S2 – predictive variance
mY – mean of the training set
sY – standard deviation of the training set
- Returns metrics:
evaluation metrics
- normative.extend(covfile, respfile, maskfile=None, **kwargs)[source]
This function extends an existing HBR model with data from new sites/scanners.
Basic usage:
extend(covfile, respfile [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below.
- Parameters:
covfile – covariates for new data
respfile – response variables for new data
maskfile – mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
model_path – Directory containing the normative model and metadata
trbefile – file address to batch effects file for new data
batch_size – batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
job_id – batch id
output_path – the path for saving the the extended model
informative_prior – use initial model prior or learn from scratch (default is False).
generation_factor – see below
generation factor refers to the number of samples generated for each combination of covariates and batch effects. Default is 10.
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input.
-, respfile, **kwargs)[source]
Fits a normative model to the data.
Parameters: covfile (str): The path to the covariates file. respfile (str): The path to the response variables file. maskfile (str, optional): The path to the mask file. Defaults to None. alg (str, optional): The algorithm to use. Defaults to ‘gpr’. savemodel (bool, optional): Whether to save the model. Defaults to True. outputsuffix (str, optional): The suffix to append to the output files. Defaults to ‘fit’. inscaler (str, optional): The scaler to use for the input data. Defaults to ‘None’. outscaler (str, optional): The scaler to use for the output data. Defaults to ‘None’.
Returns: None
- normative.get_args(*args)[source]
Parse command line arguments for normative modeling
- Parameters:
args – command line arguments
- Returns respfile:
response variables for the normative model
- Returns maskfile:
mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
- Returns covfile:
covariates used to predict the response variable
- Returns cvfolds:
Number of cross-validation folds
- Returns testcov:
Test covariates
- Returns testresp:
Test responses
- Returns func:
Function to call
- Returns alg:
Algorithm for normative model
- Returns configparam:
Parameters controlling the estimation algorithm
- Returns kw_args:
Additional keyword arguments
- normative.load_response_vars(datafile, maskfile=None, vol=True)[source]
Load response variables from file. This will load the data and mask it if necessary. If the data is in ascii format it will be converted into a numpy array. If the data is in neuroimaging format it will be reshaped into a 2D array (subjects x variables) and a mask will be created if necessary.
- Parameters:
datafile – File containing the response variables
maskfile – Mask file (nifti only)
vol – If True, load the data as a 4D volume (nifti only)
- Returns Y:
Response variables
- Returns volmask:
Mask file (nifti only)
- normative.merge(covfile=None, respfile=None, **kwargs)[source]
This function extends an existing HBR model with data from new sites/scanners.
Basic usage:
merge(model_path1, model_path2 [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below.
- Parameters:
covfile – Not required. Always set to None.
respfile – Not required. Always set to None.
model_path1 – Directory containing the model and metadata (1st model)
model_path2 – Directory containing the model and metadata (2nd model)
batch_size – batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
job_id – batch id
output_path – the path for saving the the extended model
generation_factor – see below
The generation factor refers tothe number of samples generated for each combination of covariates and batch effects. Default is 10.
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input.
- normative.predict(covfile, respfile, maskfile=None, **kwargs)[source]
Make predictions on the basis of a pre-estimated normative model If only the covariates are specified then only predicted mean and variance will be returned. If the test responses are also specified then quantities That depend on those will also be returned (Z scores and error metrics)
Basic usage:
predict(covfile, [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below.
- Parameters:
covfile – test covariates used to predict the response variable
respfile – test response variables for the normative model
maskfile – mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
model_path – Directory containing the normative model and metadata. When using parallel prediction, do not pass the model path. It will be automatically decided.
outputsuffix – Text string to add to the output filenames
batch_size – batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
job_id – batch id
fold – which cross-validation fold to use (default = 0)
fold – list of model IDs to predict (if not specified all are computed)
return_y – return the (transformed) response variable (default = False)
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
- Outputs:
Yhat - predictive mean
S2 - predictive variance
Z - Z scores
Y - response variable (if return_y is True)
- normative.save_results(respfile, Yhat, S2, maskvol, Z=None, Y=None, outputsuffix=None, results=None, save_path='')[source]
Writes the results of the normative model to disk.
Parameters: respfile (str): The response variables file. Yhat (np.array): The predicted response variables. S2 (np.array): The predictive variance. maskvol (np.array): The mask volume. Z (np.array, optional): The latent variable. Defaults to None. Y (np.array, optional): The observed response variables. Defaults to None. outputsuffix (str, optional): The suffix to append to the output files. Defaults to None. results (dict, optional): The results of the normative model. Defaults to None. save_path (str, optional): The directory to save the results to. Defaults to ‘’.
Returns: None
- normative.transfer(covfile, respfile, testcov=None, testresp=None, maskfile=None, **kwargs)[source]
Transfer learning on the basis of a pre-estimated normative model by using the posterior distribution over the parameters as an informed prior for new data. currently only supported for HBR.
Basic usage:
transfer(covfile, respfile [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below.
- Parameters:
covfile – transfer covariates used to predict the response variable
respfile – transfer response variables for the normative model
maskfile – mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
testcov – Test covariates
testresp – Test responses
model_path – Directory containing the normative model and metadata
trbefile – Training batch effects file
batch_size – batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
job_id – batch id
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
- Outputs:
Yhat - predictive mean
S2 - predictive variance
Z - Z scores
- normative.tune(covfile, respfile, maskfile=None, **kwargs)[source]
This function tunes an existing HBR model with real data.
Basic usage:
tune(covfile, respfile [extra_arguments])
where the variables are defined below.
- Parameters:
covfile – covariates for new data
respfile – response variables for new data
maskfile – mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
model_path – Directory containing the normative model and metadata
trbefile – file address to batch effects file for new data
batch_size – batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
job_id – batch id
output_path – the path for saving the the extended model
informative_prior – use initial model prior or learn from scracth (default is False).
generation_factor – see below
generation factor refers to the number of samples generated for each combination of covariates and batch effects. Default is 10.
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input.
- normative_parallel.bashwrap_nm(processing_dir, python_path, normative_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path, func='estimate', **kwargs)[source]
This function wraps normative modelling into a bash script to run it on a torque cluster system.
Basic usage:
bashwrap_nm(processing_dir, python_path, normative_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing dir
python_path – Full path to the python distribution
normative_path – Full path to the
job_name – Name for the bash script that is the output of this function
covfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariates (subjects x covariates) for the responsefile
respfile_path – Full path to a .txt that contains all features (subjects x features)
cv_folds – Number of cross validations
testcovfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariates (subjects x covariates) for the testresponse file
testrespfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all test features
alg – which algorithm to use
configparam – configuration parameters for this algorithm
- Outputs:
A file containing the commands for normative modelling saved to the processing directory (written to disk).
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.check_job_status(jobs, cluster_spec, start_time=None)[source]
A utility function to count the tasks with different status.
- Parameters:
jobs – List of job ids.
cluster_spec – type of cluster, either ‘torque’ or ‘slurm’.
:return returns the number of taks athat are queued, running, completed etc
- normative_parallel.check_jobs(jobs, cluster_spec, start_time=None, delay=60)[source]
A utility function for chacking the status of submitted jobs.
- Parameters:
jobs – list of job ids.
cluster_spec – type of cluster, either ‘torque’ or ‘slurm’.
delay – the delay (in sec) between two consequative checks, defaults to 60.
- normative_parallel.collect_nm(processing_dir, job_name, func='estimate', collect=False, binary=False, batch_size=None, outputsuffix='_estimate')[source]
Function to checks and collects all batches.
Basic usage:
collect_nm(processing_dir, job_name)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing directory
collect – If True data is checked for failed batches and collected; if False data is just checked
binary – Results in pkl format
- Outputs:
Text or pkl files containing all results accross all batches the combined output (written to disk).
- Returns 0:
if batches fail
- Returns 1:
if bathches complete successfully
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) SM Kia, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.delete_nm(processing_dir, binary=False)[source]
This function deletes all processing for normative modelling and just keeps the combined output.
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing directory.
binary – Results in pkl format.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) SM Kia, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.execute_nm(processing_dir, python_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path, batch_size, memory, duration, normative_path=None, func='estimate', interactive=False, **kwargs)[source]
Execute parallel normative models This function is a mother function that executes all parallel normative modelling routines. Different specifications are possible using the sub- functions.
Basic usage:
execute_nm(processing_dir, python_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path, batch_size, memory, duration)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing dir
python_path – Full path to the python distribution
normative_path – Full path to the If None (default) then it will automatically retrieves the path from the installed packeage.
job_name – Name for the bash script that is the output of this function
covfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariats (subjects x covariates) for the responsefile
respfile_path – Full path to a .txt that contains all features (subjects x features)
batch_size – Number of features in each batch
memory – Memory requirements written as string for example 4gb or 500mb
duation – The approximate duration of the job, a string with HH:MM:SS for example 01:01:01
cv_folds – Number of cross validations
testcovfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariates (subjects x covariates) for the test response file
testrespfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all test features
log_path – Path for saving log files
binary – If True uses binary format for response file otherwise it is text
cluster_spec – ‘torque’ for PBS Torque and ‘slurm’ for Slurm clusters.
interactive – If False (default) the user should manually rerun the failed jobs or collect the results. If ‘auto’ the job status are checked until all jobs are completed then the failed jobs are rerun and the results are automaticallu collectted. Using ‘query’ is similar to ‘auto’ unless it asks for user verification thius is immune to endless loop in the case of bugs in the code.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) SM Kia The documentation is adapated by S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.qsub_nm(job_path, log_path, memory, duration, cores)[source]
This function submits a scipt to the torque custer using the qsub command.
Basic usage:
qsub_nm(job_path, log_path, memory, duration)
- Parameters:
job_path – Full path to the file.
memory – Memory requirements written as string for example 4gb or 500mb.
duation – The approximate duration of the job, a string with HH:MM:SS for example 01:01:01.
- Outputs:
Submission of the job to the (torque) cluster.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) SM Kia, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.rerun_nm(processing_dir, log_path, memory, duration, cluster_spec, cores, binary=False, interactive=False)[source]
This function reruns all failed batched in processing_dir after collect_nm has identified the failed batches. Basic usage:
rerun_nm(processing_dir, log_path, memory, duration)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing directory
memory – Memory requirements written as string for example 4gb or 500mb.
duration – The approximate duration of the job, a string with HH:MM:SS for example 01:01:01.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) SM Kia, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.retrieve_jobs(cluster_spec, start_time=None)[source]
A utility function to retrieve task status from the outputs of qstat.
- Parameters:
cluster_spec – type of cluster, either ‘torque’ or ‘slurm’.
- Returns:
a dictionary of jobs.
- normative_parallel.sbatch_nm(job_path)[source]
This function submits a scipt to the torque custer using the qsub command.
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
job_path – Full path to the file
- Outputs:
Submission of the job to the slurm cluster.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.sbatchrerun_nm(processing_dir, memory, duration, new_memory=False, new_duration=False, binary=False, interactive=False, **kwargs)[source]
This function reruns all failed batched in processing_dir after collect_nm has identified he failed batches.
Basic usage:
rerun_nm(processing_dir, memory, duration)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing directory.
memory – Memory requirements written as string, for example 4gb or 500mb.
duration – The approximate duration of the job, a string with HH:MM:SS for example 01:01:01.
new_memory – If you want to change the memory you have to indicate it here.
new_duration – If you want to change the duration you have to indicate it here.
- Outputs:
Re-runs failed batches.
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- normative_parallel.sbatchwrap_nm(processing_dir, python_path, normative_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path, memory, duration, log_path, func='estimate', **kwargs)[source]
This function wraps normative modelling into a bash script to run it on a torque cluster system.
Basic usage:
sbatchwrap_nm(processing_dir, python_path, normative_path, job_name, covfile_path, respfile_path, memory, duration)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing dir
python_path – Full path to the python distribution
normative_path – Full path to the
job_name – Name for the bash script that is the output of this function
covfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariates (subjects x covariates) for the responsefile
respfile_path – Full path to a .txt that contains all features (subjects x features)
cv_folds – Number of cross validations
testcovfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all covariates (subjects x covariates) for the testresponse file
testrespfile_path – Full path to a .txt file that contains all test features
alg – which algorithm to use
configparam – configuration parameters for this algorithm
- Outputs:
A file containing the commands for normative modelling saved to the processing directory (written to disk).
written by (primarily) T Wolfers, (adapted) S Rutherford
- normative_parallel.split_nm(processing_dir, respfile_path, batch_size, binary, **kwargs)[source]
This function prepares the input files for normative_parallel.
Basic usage:
split_nm(processing_dir, respfile_path, batch_size, binary, testrespfile_path)
- Parameters:
processing_dir – Full path to the processing dir
respfile_path – Full path to the responsefile.txt (subjects x features)
batch_size – Number of features in each batch
testrespfile_path – Full path to the test responsefile.txt (subjects x features)
binary – If True binary file
- Outputs:
The creation of a folder struture for batch-wise processing.
witten by (primarily) T Wolfers (adapted) SM Kia, (adapted) S Rutherford.
- trendsurf.create_basis(X, basis, mask)[source]
Create a basis set
This will create a basis set for the trend surface model. This is currently fit using a polynomial model of a specified degree. The models are estimated on the basis of data stored on disk in ascii or neuroimaging data formats (currently nifti only). Ascii data should be in tab or space delimited format with the number of voxels in rows and the number of subjects in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped into the appropriate format
- Parameters:
X – covariates
basis – model order for the interpolating polynomial
mask – mask used to apply to the data
- Returns:
Phi - basis set
- trendsurf.estimate(filename, maskfile, basis, ard=False, outputall=False, saveoutput=True, **kwargs)[source]
Estimate a trend surface model
This will estimate a trend surface model, independently for each subject. This is currently fit using a polynomial model of a specified degree. The models are estimated on the basis of data stored on disk in ascii or neuroimaging data formats (currently nifti only). Ascii data should be in tab or space delimited format with the number of voxels in rows and the number of subjects in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped into the appropriate format
Basic usage:
estimate(filename, maskfile, basis)
where the variables are defined below. Note that either the cfolds parameter or (testcov, testresp) should be specified, but not both.
- Parameters:
filename – 4-d nifti file containing the images to be estimated
maskfile – nifti mask used to apply to the data
basis – model order for the interpolating polynomial
All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
- Outputs:
yhat - predictive mean
ys2 - predictive variance
trendcoeff - coefficients from the trend surface model
negloglik - Negative log marginal likelihood
hyp - hyperparameters
explainedvar - explained variance
rmse - standardised mean squared error
- trendsurf.get_args(*args)[source]
Parse command line arguments
This will parse the command line arguments for the trend surface model. The arguments are:
- Parameters:
filename – 4-d nifti file containing the images to be estimated
maskfile – nifti mask used to apply to the data
basis – model order for the interpolating polynomial
covfile – file containing covariates
ard – use ARD
outputall – output all measures
- Returns:
filename - 4-d nifti file containing the images to be estimated
maskfile - nifti mask used to apply to the data
basis - model order for the interpolating polynomial
covfile - file containing covariates
ard - use ARD
outputall - output all measures
- trendsurf.load_data(datafile, maskfile=None)[source]
Load data from disk
This will load data from disk, either in nifti or ascii format. If the data are in ascii format, they should be in tab or space delimited format with the number of voxels in rows and the number of subjects in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped into the appropriate format
- Parameters:
datafile – 4-d nifti file containing the images to be estimated
maskfile – nifti mask used to apply to the data
- Returns:
dat - data in vectorised form
world - voxel coordinates
mask - mask used to apply to the data
- trendsurf.write_nii(data, filename, examplenii, mask)[source]
Write data to nifti file
This will write data to a nifti file, using the header information from an example nifti file.
- Parameters:
data – data to be written
filename – name of file to be written
examplenii – example nifti file
mask – mask used to apply to the data
- Returns:
Phi - basis set
- class rfa.GPRRFA(hyp=None, X=None, y=None, n_feat=None, n_iter=100, tol=0.001, verbose=False)[source]
Random Feature Approximation for Gaussian Process Regression
Estimation and prediction of Bayesian linear regression models
Basic usage:
R = GPRRFA() hyp = R.estimate(hyp0, X, y) ys,s2 = R.predict(hyp, X, y, Xs)
where the variables are
- Parameters:
hyp – vector of hyperparmaters.
X – N x D data array
y – 1D Array of targets (length N)
Xs – Nte x D array of test cases
hyp0 – starting estimates for hyperparameter optimisation
- Returns:
ys - predictive mean
s2 - predictive variance
The hyperparameters are:
hyp = [ log(sn), log(ell), log(sf) ] # hyp is a numpy array
where sn^2 is the noise variance, ell are lengthscale parameters and sf^2 is the signal variance. This provides an approximation to the covariance function:
k(x,z) = x'*z + sn2*exp(0.5*(x-z)'*Lambda*(x-z))
where Lambda = diag((ell_1^2, … ell_D^2))
Written by A. Marquand
- fileio.alphanum_key(s)[source]
Turn a string into a list of numbers
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
s – string to convert
- fileio.create_mask(data_array, mask, verbose=False)[source]
Create a mask from a data array or a nifti file
Basic usage:
create_mask(data_array, mask, verbose)
- Parameters:
data_array – numpy array containing the data to write out
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
verbose – verbose output
- fileio.file_extension(filename)[source]
Determine the file extension of a file (e.g. .nii.gz)
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to check
- fileio.file_stem(filename)[source]
Determine the file stem of a file (e.g. /path/to/file.nii.gz -> file)
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to check
- fileio.file_type(filename)[source]
Determine the file type of a file
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to check
- fileio.load(filename, mask=None, text=False, vol=True)[source]
Load a numpy array from a file
Basic usage:
load(filename, mask, text, vol)
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to load
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
text – whether to write out a text file
vol – whether to load the image as a volume
- fileio.load_ascii(filename)[source]
Load an ascii file into a numpy array
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to load
- fileio.load_cifti(filename, vol=False, mask=None, rmtmp=True)[source]
Load a cifti file into a numpy array
Basic usage:
load_cifti(filename, vol, mask, rmtmp)
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to load
vol – whether to load the image as a volume
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
rmtmp – whether to remove temporary files
- fileio.load_nifti(datafile, mask=None, vol=False, verbose=False)[source]
Load a nifti file into a numpy array
Basic usage:
load_nifti(datafile, mask, vol, verbose)
- Parameters:
datafile – name of the file to load
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
vol – whether to load the image as a volume
verbose – verbose output
- fileio.load_pd(filename)[source]
Load a csv file into a pandas dataframe
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to load
- fileio.predictive_interval(s2_forward, cov_forward, multiplicator)[source]
Calculates a predictive interval for the forward model
-, filename, example=None, mask=None, text=False, dtype=None)[source]
Save a numpy array to a file
Basic usage:
save(data, filename, example, mask, text, dtype)
- Parameters:
data – numpy array containing the data to write out
filename – where to store it
example – example file to copy the geometry from
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
text – whether to write out a text file
dtype – data type for the output image (if different from the image)
- fileio.save_ascii(data, filename)[source]
Save a numpy array to an ascii file
Basic usage:
save_ascii(data, filename)
- Parameters:
data – numpy array containing the data to write out
filename – where to store it
- fileio.save_cifti(data, filename, example, mask=None, vol=True, volatlas=None)[source]
Save a cifti file from a numpy array
Basic usage:
save_cifti(data, filename, example, mask, vol, volatlas)
- Parameters:
data – numpy array containing the data to write out
filename – where to store it
example – example file to copy the geometry from
mask – nifti image containing a mask for the image
vol – whether to load the image as a volume
volatlas – atlas to use for the volume
- fileio.save_nifti(data, filename, examplenii, mask, dtype=None)[source]
Write output to nifti
Basic usage:
save_nifti(data, filename mask, dtype)
- Parameters:
data – numpy array containing the data to write out
filename – where to store it
examplenii – nifti to copy the geometry and data type from
dtype – data type for the output image (if different from the image)
- Mask:
nifti image containing a mask for the image
- fileio.save_pd(data, filename)[source]
Save a pandas dataframe to a csv file
Basic usage:
save_pd(data, filename)
- Parameters:
data – pandas dataframe containing the data to write out
filename – where to store it
- fileio.sort_nicely(l)[source]
Sort a list of strings in a natural way
Basic usage:
- Parameters:
l – list of strings to sort