Source code for fileio

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import tempfile
import pandas as pd
import re

try:  # run as a package if installed
    from pcntoolkit import configs
except ImportError:

    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    path = os.path.dirname(path)  # parent directory
    if path not in sys.path:
    del path
    import configs

CIFTI_MAPPINGS = ('dconn', 'dtseries', 'pconn', 'ptseries', 'dscalar',
                  'dlabel', 'pscalar', 'pdconn', 'dpconn',
                  'pconnseries', 'pconnscalar')

CIFTI_VOL_ATLAS = 'Atlas_ROIs.2.nii.gz'


# ------------------------
# general utility routines
# ------------------------

[docs]def predictive_interval(s2_forward, cov_forward, multiplicator): """ Calculates a predictive interval for the forward model """ # calculates a predictive interval PI = np.zeros(len(cov_forward)) for i, xdot in enumerate(cov_forward): s = np.sqrt(s2_forward[i]) PI[i] = multiplicator*s return PI
[docs]def create_mask(data_array, mask, verbose=False): """ Create a mask from a data array or a nifti file Basic usage:: create_mask(data_array, mask, verbose) :param data_array: numpy array containing the data to write out :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param verbose: verbose output """ # create a (volumetric) mask either from an input nifti or the nifti itself if mask is not None: if verbose: print('Loading ROI mask ...') maskvol = load_nifti(mask, vol=True) maskvol = maskvol != 0 else: if len(data_array.shape) < 4: dim = data_array.shape[0:3] + (1,) else: dim = data_array.shape[0:3] + (data_array.shape[3],) if verbose: print('Generating mask automatically ...') if dim[3] == 1: maskvol = data_array[:, :, :] != 0 else: maskvol = data_array[:, :, :, 0] != 0 return maskvol
[docs]def vol2vec(dat, mask, verbose=False): """ Vectorise a 3d image Basic usage:: vol2vec(dat, mask, verbose) :param dat: numpy array containing the data to write out :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param verbose: verbose output """ # vectorise a 3d image if len(dat.shape) < 4: dim = dat.shape[0:3] + (1,) else: dim = dat.shape[0:3] + (dat.shape[3],) # mask = create_mask(dat, mask=mask, verbose=verbose) if mask is None: mask = create_mask(dat, mask=mask, verbose=verbose) # mask the image maskid = np.where(mask.ravel())[0] dat = np.reshape(dat, ([0:3]), dim[3])) dat = dat[maskid, :] # convert to 1-d array if the file only contains one volume if dim[3] == 1: dat = dat.ravel() return dat
[docs]def file_type(filename): """ Determine the file type of a file Basic usage:: file_type(filename) :param filename: name of the file to check """ # routine to determine filetype if filename.endswith(('.dtseries.nii', '.dscalar.nii', '.dlabel.nii')): ftype = 'cifti' elif filename.endswith(('.nii.gz', '.nii', '.img', '.hdr')): ftype = 'nifti' elif filename.endswith(('.txt', '.csv', '.tsv', '.asc')): ftype = 'text' elif filename.endswith(('.pkl')): ftype = 'binary' else: raise ValueError("I don't know what to do with " + filename) return ftype
[docs]def file_extension(filename): """ Determine the file extension of a file (e.g. .nii.gz) Basic usage:: file_extension(filename) :param filename: name of the file to check """ # routine to get the full file extension (e.g. .nii.gz, not just .gz) parts = filename.split(os.extsep) if parts[-1] == 'gz': if parts[-2] == 'nii' or parts[-2] == 'img' or parts[-2] == 'hdr': ext = parts[-2] + '.' + parts[-1] else: ext = parts[-1] elif parts[-1] == 'nii': if parts[-2] in CIFTI_MAPPINGS: ext = parts[-2] + '.' + parts[-1] else: ext = parts[-1] else: ext = parts[-1] ext = '.' + ext return ext
[docs]def file_stem(filename): """ Determine the file stem of a file (e.g. /path/to/file.nii.gz -> file) Basic usage:: file_stem(filename) :param filename: name of the file to check """ idx = filename.find(file_extension(filename)) stm = filename[0:idx] return stm
# -------------- # nifti routines # --------------
[docs]def load_nifti(datafile, mask=None, vol=False, verbose=False): """ Load a nifti file into a numpy array Basic usage:: load_nifti(datafile, mask, vol, verbose) :param datafile: name of the file to load :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param vol: whether to load the image as a volume :param verbose: verbose output """ if verbose: print('Loading nifti: ' + datafile + ' ...') img = nib.load(datafile) dat = img.get_data() if mask is not None: mask = load_nifti(mask, vol=True) if not vol: dat = vol2vec(dat, mask) return dat
[docs]def save_nifti(data, filename, examplenii, mask, dtype=None): ''' Write output to nifti Basic usage:: save_nifti(data, filename mask, dtype) :param data: numpy array containing the data to write out :param filename: where to store it :param examplenii: nifti to copy the geometry and data type from :mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param dtype: data type for the output image (if different from the image) ''' # load mask if isinstance(mask, str): mask = load_nifti(mask, vol=True) mask = mask != 0 # load example image ex_img = nib.load(examplenii) ex_img.shape dim = ex_img.shape[0:3] if len(data.shape) < 2: nvol = 1 data = data[:, np.newaxis] else: nvol = int(data.shape[1]) # write data array_data = np.zeros((, nvol)) array_data[mask.flatten(), :] = data array_data = np.reshape(array_data, dim+(nvol,)) hdr = ex_img.header if dtype is not None: hdr.set_data_dtype(dtype) array_data = array_data.astype(dtype) array_img = nib.Nifti1Image(array_data, ex_img.affine, hdr), filename)
# -------------- # cifti routines # --------------
[docs]def load_cifti(filename, vol=False, mask=None, rmtmp=True): """ Load a cifti file into a numpy array Basic usage:: load_cifti(filename, vol, mask, rmtmp) :param filename: name of the file to load :param vol: whether to load the image as a volume :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param rmtmp: whether to remove temporary files """ # parse the name dnam, fnam = os.path.split(filename) fpref = file_stem(fnam) outstem = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), str(os.getpid()) + "-" + fpref) # extract surface data from the cifti file print("Extracting cifti surface data to ", outstem, '-*.func.gii', sep="") giinamel = outstem + '-left.func.gii' giinamer = outstem + '-right.func.gii' os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + filename + ' COLUMN -metric CORTEX_LEFT ' + giinamel) os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + filename + ' COLUMN -metric CORTEX_RIGHT ' + giinamer) # load the surface data giil = nib.load(giinamel) giir = nib.load(giinamer) Nimg = len(giil.darrays) Nvert = len(giil.darrays[0].data) if Nimg == 1: out = np.concatenate((giil.darrays[0].data, giir.darrays[0].data), axis=0) else: Gl = np.zeros((Nvert, Nimg)) Gr = np.zeros((Nvert, Nimg)) for i in range(0, Nimg): Gl[:, i] = giil.darrays[i].data Gr[:, i] = giir.darrays[i].data out = np.concatenate((Gl, Gr), axis=0) if rmtmp: # clean up temporary files os.remove(giinamel) os.remove(giinamer) if vol: niiname = outstem + '-vol.nii' print("Extracting cifti volume data to ", niiname, sep="") os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + filename + ' COLUMN -volume-all ' + niiname) vol = load_nifti(niiname, vol=True) volmask = create_mask(vol) out = np.concatenate((out, vol2vec(vol, volmask)), axis=0) if rmtmp: os.remove(niiname) return out
[docs]def save_cifti(data, filename, example, mask=None, vol=True, volatlas=None): """ Save a cifti file from a numpy array Basic usage:: save_cifti(data, filename, example, mask, vol, volatlas) :param data: numpy array containing the data to write out :param filename: where to store it :param example: example file to copy the geometry from :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param vol: whether to load the image as a volume :param volatlas: atlas to use for the volume """ # do some sanity checks if data.dtype == 'float32' or \ data.dtype == 'float' or \ data.dtype == 'float64': data = data.astype('float32') # force 32 bit output dtype = 'NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32' else: raise ValueError('Only float data types currently handled') if len(data.shape) == 1: Nimg = 1 data = data[:, np.newaxis] else: Nimg = data.shape[1] # get the base filename dnam, fnam = os.path.split(filename) fstem = file_stem(fnam) # Split the template estem = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), str(os.getpid()) + "-" + fstem) giiexnamel = estem + '-left.func.gii' giiexnamer = estem + '-right.func.gii' os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + example + ' COLUMN -metric CORTEX_LEFT ' + giiexnamel) os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + example + ' COLUMN -metric CORTEX_RIGHT ' + giiexnamer) # write left hemisphere giiexl = nib.load(giiexnamel) Nvertl = len(giiexl.darrays[0].data) garraysl = [] for i in range(0, Nimg): garraysl.append( nib.gifti.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data=data[0:Nvertl, i], datatype=dtype)) giil = nib.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=garraysl) fnamel = fstem + '-left.func.gii', fnamel) # write right hemisphere giiexr = nib.load(giiexnamer) Nvertr = len(giiexr.darrays[0].data) garraysr = [] for i in range(0, Nimg): garraysr.append( nib.gifti.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data=data[Nvertl:Nvertl+Nvertr, i], datatype=dtype)) giir = nib.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=garraysr) fnamer = fstem + '-right.func.gii', fnamer) tmpfiles = [fnamer, fnamel, giiexnamel, giiexnamer] # process volumetric data if vol: niiexname = estem + '-vol.nii' os.system('wb_command -cifti-separate ' + example + ' COLUMN -volume-all ' + niiexname) niivol = load_nifti(niiexname, vol=True) if mask is None: mask = create_mask(niivol) if volatlas is None: volatlas = CIFTI_VOL_ATLAS fnamev = fstem + '-vol.nii' save_nifti(data[Nvertr+Nvertl:, :], fnamev, niiexname, mask) tmpfiles.extend([fnamev, niiexname]) # write cifti fname = fstem + '.dtseries.nii' os.system('wb_command -cifti-create-dense-timeseries ' + fname + ' -volume ' + fnamev + ' ' + volatlas + ' -left-metric ' + fnamel + ' -right-metric ' + fnamer) # clean up for f in tmpfiles: os.remove(f)
# -------------- # ascii routines # --------------
[docs]def load_pd(filename): """ Load a csv file into a pandas dataframe Basic usage:: load_pd(filename) :param filename: name of the file to load """ # based on pandas x = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=' ', header=None) return x
[docs]def save_pd(data, filename): """ Save a pandas dataframe to a csv file Basic usage:: save_pd(data, filename) :param data: pandas dataframe containing the data to write out :param filename: where to store it """ # based on pandas data.to_csv(filename, index=None, header=None, sep=' ', na_rep='NaN')
[docs]def load_ascii(filename): """ Load an ascii file into a numpy array Basic usage:: load_ascii(filename) :param filename: name of the file to load """ # based on pandas x = np.loadtxt(filename) return x
[docs]def save_ascii(data, filename): """ Save a numpy array to an ascii file Basic usage:: save_ascii(data, filename) :param data: numpy array containing the data to write out :param filename: where to store it """ # based on pandas np.savetxt(filename, data)
# ---------------- # generic routines # ----------------
[docs]def save(data, filename, example=None, mask=None, text=False, dtype=None): """ Save a numpy array to a file Basic usage:: save(data, filename, example, mask, text, dtype) :param data: numpy array containing the data to write out :param filename: where to store it :param example: example file to copy the geometry from :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param text: whether to write out a text file :param dtype: data type for the output image (if different from the image) """ if file_type(filename) == 'cifti': save_cifti(data.T, filename, example, vol=True) elif file_type(filename) == 'nifti': save_nifti(data.T, filename, example, mask, dtype=dtype) elif text or file_type(filename) == 'text': save_ascii(data, filename) elif file_type(filename) == 'binary': data = pd.DataFrame(data) data.to_pickle(filename, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def load(filename, mask=None, text=False, vol=True): """ Load a numpy array from a file Basic usage:: load(filename, mask, text, vol) :param filename: name of the file to load :param mask: nifti image containing a mask for the image :param text: whether to write out a text file :param vol: whether to load the image as a volume """ if file_type(filename) == 'cifti': x = load_cifti(filename, vol=vol) elif file_type(filename) == 'nifti': x = load_nifti(filename, mask, vol=vol) elif text or file_type(filename) == 'text': x = load_ascii(filename) elif file_type(filename) == 'binary': x = pd.read_pickle(filename) x = x.to_numpy() return x
# ------------------- # sorting routines for batched in normative parallel # -------------------
[docs]def tryint(s): """ Try to convert a string to an integer Basic usage:: tryint(s) :param s: string to convert """ try: return int(s) except ValueError: return s
[docs]def alphanum_key(s): """ Turn a string into a list of numbers Basic usage:: alphanum_key(s) :param s: string to convert """ return [tryint(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', s)]
[docs]def sort_nicely(l): """ Sort a list of strings in a natural way Basic usage:: sort_nicely(l) :param l: list of strings to sort """ return sorted(l, key=alphanum_key)